Wednesday, December 18, 2013

T-Shirts for Christmas Play

I am sending the t-shirts for our play home this afternoon.  Please wear these tomorrow with jeans.  Remember the play is at 10:00 tomorrow.  Parents and Grandparents are invited.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Polar Express Day

Wednesday, December 18th, will be Polar Express Day.  We will watch the movie and have milk and cookies with Santa.  Students may wear their pajamas.

Remember our play will be Thursday at 10:00 and our Christmas Party will be Friday at 9:00.

We will not have a Spelling Test this week.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Spelling Words

Spelling Words for the week of December 9-13

December         Christmas            Lord           Jesus          Bethlehem
angels               glory                    manger      gifts            holly
wreath              shepherds            winter         star             wise
stockings          flock                    candles       fireplace     decorations

Our story will be The Bremen Town Musicians  page 270 in the Open Court reading book.

Christmas Ornaments

The student Christmas Ornaments made in art class are now available. The price is $10.00.

PTO Christmas Store

The PTO Christmas Store will be Wednesday, December 11th from7:30 am to 3:00 pm and December 12th from 7:30 to 1:00.  Gift prices will range from $1.00 to $10.00 and free gift wrap will be provided.

Christmas Party and Gifts

Our Christmas Party will be December 20th at 9:00.  We've decided to have snack foods since it will be so early in the morning.   Let me know if you can send food for the party.  Each child will need to bring a gift by December 16th.  The girls will bring a gift for a girl and boys will bring a gift for a boy.  I will number the gifts. Students will draw a number to see which gift they get.  The price range for the gifts should be $10.00 to $12.00. 
The class also talked about doing something for Mrs. Scott.   We decided for each student to bring $3.00 so we can do something for her.  You may send this in starting Monday.

Also, if you are interested, the school was given some information on a needy family in our area.  There will be more information on this family in your child's folder today. 

Christmas Play

Our Christmas Play will be December 19 at 10:00 in the cafeteria.  Parents and grandparents are invited.  Ideal Graphics is donating our t-shirts for the play.  We will all wear these t-shirts and blue jeans the day of  the play.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thanksgiving Break

School will be dismissed today, November 22, at 12:00.  We will return to school on December 2, 2013.   I will send information on our Christmas Party and Christmas Play when we return to school. The Second and Third grade classes will be doing the play together.

If anyone has a small artificial Christmas Tree we could borrow, please let me know.  We have some ornaments, but if a child wants to bring some to add to our tree, that will be great.  Please put your name on any ornaments so we can return them.

Hot food is now available at school.  I have already sent the price list and menu home with the students.

The canned food drive will continue through January.

We will be reading in the Open Court reading book during December.  Our first story will be on page 238.

Spelling words for the week of Dec. 2- 6 will be :

neat, deal, clean, please, beast, keep, street, seen, easy, creek, eat, hearing, feel, real, tree, before, beside, because, eternal, and betrayed

 Continue to practice multiplication facts.
Keep up the GREAT job with AR books.
Also, the Veggie Sale money and orders needs to be turned in by Dec. 2.

Have a Great Thanksgiving!

Sheila Rotton

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Dear Parents,
Just a reminder, we will dismiss at noon on Friday, November 22, 2013.

We will take the Spelling Test and the Reading Test on Thursday.  I will send a reading study guide home tomorrow.  The spelling word list was in the folders on Friday.

Sheila Rotton

Monday, October 21, 2013

Dear Parents,
Please read the note about working at the Fall Festival.  Your child has it today.  If you can help for 30 minutes please sign it and send it back.

Your child has a sheet about the soft ball team selling Pepsi products to raise money for things the team needs.  Please help.  The girls have to raise their own money for items for the team.

We will have our regular test this week.

I am very concerned about the multiplication tables and subtraction.  We are really working on these two things.  Please check your child's homework.

I hope you will remind your child to read their AR books.  Two people did not make their goal last time.  They can make it up by doing double or nothing.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott

Mrs. Duncan needs donations for the Fall Festival.  Anything is appreciated.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Dear Parents,

Please remember:

October 14, 15, 16    school holiday

We return to school October 17.

Field Trip to Dothan   Landmark Park      8:00am   bring lunch and money for ice cream etc.

Friday Test

Reading Test

Spelling Test

Trip to Landmark Park is October 18  Friday

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dear Parents,

Grandparent's Day was wonderful.  I enjoyed meeting all of the grandparents.

Math Test  Tuesday

Spelling Test Friday

Reading Test  Friday

Monday, October 7, 2013, is a school holiday for students.

We will have a  pep rally Friday.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott

Monday, September 23, 2013

Dear Parents,

Math Test  Tuesday

Spelling Test   Thursday

Reading Test  Friday

We will celebrate Grandparent's Day Friday.  We have a special program at  10:00 for our Grandparents.  The Grandparents may take their grandchild to the Book Fair to shop for good books.
The Grandparents may take their grandchild home afterward.  Please spend some time with your
grandchild.  They will be grown before you know it.

We have a few children who have made their AR  goal.  Please encourage your child to read.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott            Roll Tide  from an Auburn Grandparent

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dear Parents,

The PTO will have Muffins for Moms Friday morning.  I wasn't given any more information.  You could call the office for more . { 566-2023}

Tuesday  Math Test and Science Test

Friday Reading and Spelling Test

We had a great Homecoming.  Thanks for all you did.

Please encourage your child to read their AR books.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott                Roll Tide Roll       Kase Chirico brought me a Roll Tide Moon Pie
                                                                My favorite!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Dear Parents,

We will dismiss at 11:50 on Friday due to Homecoming.  The wagon parade will be at  5:15 on Thursday.  We will line up behind the hospital.  Parents need to park early because the roads will be closed.  We will circle around the front of the school and end behind the lunchroom.  Concessions will be sold so that families can eat and then go to the pep rally. (blackout)

The Homecoming Assembly Will be at 9:00.

The pep rally will be at 11:15.

Your child may go to the Assembly if you come to pick them up.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott
Dear Parents,

Homecoming Dress for the week

Monday   Disco
Tuesday   Rock and roll
Wednesday  Country
Thursday  Homecoming T-Shirt  or Pop Music
Friday  Dress Up

We will have our Friday test on Thursday this week only.  Your child may go to the Homecoming program  Friday if you come and pick them up.

Math Test   Tuesday

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott       Gift Wrap is due September 10.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Dear Parents,

Third grade pictures will be made Wednesday.  There was a note in your child's folder.

We will have our Math test Wednesday instead of Tuesday.  The students have a study guide.

Reading test and spelling test will be Friday.

Some of the children are not having enough to eat .  Please ask your child about this.  The students also need a water bottle for after P. E.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott

Monday, August 26, 2013

Dear Parents,

We will have a Science test Wednesday.  Your child has a study guide.

We have a math test Tuesday.  Your child has a study guide.

We will have a spelling test on Friday.  The spelling list was in the folder on Friday.

Our reading test will also be on Friday.

We will go to art on Tuesday.  Mrs. Goff told the class that they need paints tomorrow.

Mrs. Hinson has given the Star Test for AR.  We will go to the Library on Wednesday.  Please encourage your child to read.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott

Monday, August 19, 2013

Dear Parents,

We will have our regular test this week.

Math Chapter Test   Tuesday      The students will have a study guide tonight.

Reading Test  Friday   Your child has a vocabulary list with meanings.
Spelling Test   Your child had a spelling list in the Friday folder.

Please sign your child's papers in the folder.  (all of them)
Please sign your child's steno.

I still need some of the papers that have been given out. signed.  I have to turn them in to the  office.

Please send your child plenty of food each day.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott

We will also do a study guide in Science this week.  Test will have to be next week.  We were given certain days to give test.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dear Parents,

We are progressing nicely.  The children are learning my ways and I am learning theirs.

The spelling list went home yesterday in their go home folder.  The test will be Friday.  The class will take it in their steno pad.  I do not give a pretest.

The vocabulary sheet (reading)  is also in the go home folder.  We will have the test Friday.  The students have to place the vocabulary word in the sentence.  There will also be a comprehension test Friday.

Remember to send or wear tennis shoes and socks for P.E.

Some people need to send me the registration card, social security number, and the other papers that were given to you when you registered.  Last day is August 19.

We haven't taken our Star Test yet.  We will start AR  after the Star Test is taken.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott                  Roll Tide!