Monday, August 26, 2013

Dear Parents,

We will have a Science test Wednesday.  Your child has a study guide.

We have a math test Tuesday.  Your child has a study guide.

We will have a spelling test on Friday.  The spelling list was in the folder on Friday.

Our reading test will also be on Friday.

We will go to art on Tuesday.  Mrs. Goff told the class that they need paints tomorrow.

Mrs. Hinson has given the Star Test for AR.  We will go to the Library on Wednesday.  Please encourage your child to read.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott

Monday, August 19, 2013

Dear Parents,

We will have our regular test this week.

Math Chapter Test   Tuesday      The students will have a study guide tonight.

Reading Test  Friday   Your child has a vocabulary list with meanings.
Spelling Test   Your child had a spelling list in the Friday folder.

Please sign your child's papers in the folder.  (all of them)
Please sign your child's steno.

I still need some of the papers that have been given out. signed.  I have to turn them in to the  office.

Please send your child plenty of food each day.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott

We will also do a study guide in Science this week.  Test will have to be next week.  We were given certain days to give test.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dear Parents,

We are progressing nicely.  The children are learning my ways and I am learning theirs.

The spelling list went home yesterday in their go home folder.  The test will be Friday.  The class will take it in their steno pad.  I do not give a pretest.

The vocabulary sheet (reading)  is also in the go home folder.  We will have the test Friday.  The students have to place the vocabulary word in the sentence.  There will also be a comprehension test Friday.

Remember to send or wear tennis shoes and socks for P.E.

Some people need to send me the registration card, social security number, and the other papers that were given to you when you registered.  Last day is August 19.

We haven't taken our Star Test yet.  We will start AR  after the Star Test is taken.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott                  Roll Tide!