Monday, September 23, 2013

Dear Parents,

Math Test  Tuesday

Spelling Test   Thursday

Reading Test  Friday

We will celebrate Grandparent's Day Friday.  We have a special program at  10:00 for our Grandparents.  The Grandparents may take their grandchild to the Book Fair to shop for good books.
The Grandparents may take their grandchild home afterward.  Please spend some time with your
grandchild.  They will be grown before you know it.

We have a few children who have made their AR  goal.  Please encourage your child to read.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott            Roll Tide  from an Auburn Grandparent

Monday, September 16, 2013

Dear Parents,

The PTO will have Muffins for Moms Friday morning.  I wasn't given any more information.  You could call the office for more . { 566-2023}

Tuesday  Math Test and Science Test

Friday Reading and Spelling Test

We had a great Homecoming.  Thanks for all you did.

Please encourage your child to read their AR books.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott                Roll Tide Roll       Kase Chirico brought me a Roll Tide Moon Pie
                                                                My favorite!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Dear Parents,

We will dismiss at 11:50 on Friday due to Homecoming.  The wagon parade will be at  5:15 on Thursday.  We will line up behind the hospital.  Parents need to park early because the roads will be closed.  We will circle around the front of the school and end behind the lunchroom.  Concessions will be sold so that families can eat and then go to the pep rally. (blackout)

The Homecoming Assembly Will be at 9:00.

The pep rally will be at 11:15.

Your child may go to the Assembly if you come to pick them up.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott
Dear Parents,

Homecoming Dress for the week

Monday   Disco
Tuesday   Rock and roll
Wednesday  Country
Thursday  Homecoming T-Shirt  or Pop Music
Friday  Dress Up

We will have our Friday test on Thursday this week only.  Your child may go to the Homecoming program  Friday if you come and pick them up.

Math Test   Tuesday

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott       Gift Wrap is due September 10.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Dear Parents,

Third grade pictures will be made Wednesday.  There was a note in your child's folder.

We will have our Math test Wednesday instead of Tuesday.  The students have a study guide.

Reading test and spelling test will be Friday.

Some of the children are not having enough to eat .  Please ask your child about this.  The students also need a water bottle for after P. E.

Thank you,

Mrs. Scott